Hello, world.
I have a lot of thoughts running through my head, a lot of things happening in my life, and I am now going to start writing them down. A lot of things tie together, somehow. This is the place to wander the road with me.
The first posts that will be coming soon will be about my favorite band: Led Zeppelin. I was recently asked by someone: "Why Led Zeppelin?" The answer is complex and lies in their music and my life. I have been asked about their songs. I have been asked about the players. I have used their lyrics to explain a mood that I am in. The posts aren't going to be technical in a music sense, where I talk about how Jimmy Page brilliantly used a banjo string on his guitar and how it changed the tone of the Gmin7 chord. My insight is from the words, the symphony and the story they tell together.
I hope you enjoy the journey. I'm glad to have you with me.