Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Voice

We all have that voice inside us.  Gives us some guidance. Sometimes, it's not even good guidance. 

I have and have not done a good job of listening to the voice.  

In the last 4 weeks, I have specifically made time at the start of the day to clear my head .  I get a cup of coffee, then spend a few minutes reading Daily Reflections, 24 Hours a Day, and Daily Stoic.  Each reading has some little nugget that I can seize and hold on to.  

After I read, I take a few minutes to journal.   I am using the Daily Stoic journal; there is a little prompt in there to ruminate on and write down thoughts related to it.  Or, I can go off and just write down what I want that is on my mind: what I am grateful for, who are important people in my life and day.

Setting this time aside every day has had a profound affect on my life. (Granted, it's only been three weeks since I have started journaling. I need to continue on.)  I have noticed a change in my day and how I am handling situations that have been thrown in my day.

The point is, in this time of quiet, the small voice in my head has a clear chance to be heard.  It has given me an opportunity to become acquainted with the voice, so when the junk pops up in the chaos and din of the day, I can hear what the voice sounds like. 

There are times when I don't hear it, or I hear it to late.  Notably, I need to hear the voice when it is telling me to not be so self-critical.  I heard my self saying harsh, judgmental words out loud last week:  "I am a failure because …"  "I am so stupid."  "I add no value to this conversation." 

I intellectually know  it is wrong.  I know that I am being broad and generalizing.  I am not a failure.  I am not so stupid.  I do add value.   Taking a couple more seconds to think about what I am going to say, and doing so in an honest way is what the voice is telling me to do.

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