Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Your Time is Gonna Come

School teachers in Chicago have gone on strike, and mayor Rahm Emmanuel has sided  with the School Board, taking a position against the teachers union.   This has sparked protest, including above sign.

When I saw this today, I laughed and laughed at to what lengths the union supporters will go if someone dares cross them. 

This sparked a conversation at work.  Personally, I don't find anything redeeming about Nickleback or their songs, and I'm hard pressed to call them songs.  I don't begrudge their formula and their success and ability to bring the fans and earn a living.  It's just that there is no musical quality to their songs, and nothing really insightful or emotional about their lyrics, many of which are degrading to women.  Yes, I've heard their songs.  Yes, I know they have a story. They just don't cause me to stop everything that I am doing to think about a situation, or rip my still beating heart of out my body.

Then you take Zeppelin.  Let's start with the musical quality: Page and Jones were talented musicians.  They played guitar, banjo and mandolin.  Jones also could play keyboards and bass. Page picked up the banjo or mandolin, having never played them before, and wrote songs with them after toying around for a little bit.  Bonham, on drums, could and did use everything at his disposal. Tympani, hand drums, gongs, his finger tips, four sticks at time instead of two, mallets.  Plant could sing and could cover a wide range , play harmonica, and some other rhythmic percussion. 

Lyrically, their songs can be straightforward ("Whole Lotta Love") or deep and meaningful, flowing with the music ("The Rain Song") to rip you up considering the impact of your own life. 

Today, I'll bring "Your Time is Gonna Come" from their first album for your consideration.  Most of the components come into play; pedal bass, organs, guitar, drums, and Plant's dynamic voice.  The lyrics speak of the man who has had enough, and will leave karma or fate to have it's way with the woman who has lied, cheated and hurt him for the last time.  You can hear the anguish in his voice, and the words for the song are complemented by the instruments, creating an entire experience for the listener. 

This is just one example.  Led Zeppelin played blues, rock, funk, even a rockabilly country song and an attempt at some reggae.  They used influences from the Middle East, the Mississippi Delta, and any number of places in between.  After the blistering power of their second album, they dialed down for their third album, and for the fourth matured in their depth and balance between the two styles.    Led Zeppelin was a versatile band that could play a wide range of songs with a depth and body, and there aren't many bands that exist today that have the ability to do the same thing.

As for Rahm Emmanuel,  I guess he's learning a similar message from the teachers union today if you don't walk in step with them, Your Time is Gonna Come.

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