Sunday, September 9, 2012

Out on the Tiles

I'm just a simple guy, I live from day to day.
A ray of sunshine melts my frown, and blows my blues away.

This line from "Out on the Tiles" has always meant a lot to me. I've thought that this line was a definition of me.  My friend Bill one time pointed out: "Yeah, you're simple all right."   This song, especially this line, exemplifies happiness and joy to me.  The tune is upbeat, the words, the Plant's tone: It's optimism, packaged in a tidy four minute, ten seconds.

The truth is, the ray of sunshine seldom melted the frown, and sure as hell didn't blow the blues away for me in my life.  I carried around a lot of crap: grudges, anger, resentment, jealousy.    For years and years, I carried that stuff around.  It was  the big snowball rolling down the hill; picking up more stuff, and gaining speed and whatever it ended up hitting at the bottom of the hill was going to get damaged.   I could be a real bear to be around,  or people just didn't know what they were going to get.  Would something they said set me off?

I didn't know how to let things go, or that I even could.  On top of all that, I'd drink in the evenings, and that certainly didn't do anything to improve my attitude.   I'd lie to myself when this song came on.  I'd hear the line, even sing along, and say "yeah! Things will be good."  Whatever. I sure didn't live it.  

A couple years ago, I came to the realization that I wasn't living a right life, or being honest with anyone;  certainly not with myself. My marriage was deteriorating, and I realized then that it had been for years, and my own attitude and behavior and words were nothing but lip service.   

I had to make some changes, and I did.  Things are not by any means perfect today. I've lost track a few times and not allowed myself to remember this.   I'm still short some times.  But I work to not carry the other stuff around.  I don't need to.   I'm making my best effort, and when I hear this song  it's a reminder that I can be the simple guy, and let the sunshine melt the frown.  If I feel myself getting down or frustrated, I can turn this song on to give myself an attitude adjustment.   Ironically, the phrase "out on the tiles" is an British phrase for heading out for a night on the town, at the bars.  No more of that going on here.

 When I was in the 6th grade, I started playing the saxophone in the school band, and kept at it all the way through high school.  I played in the concert bands, the marching band, pep bands, and my favorite, the jazz band.   Jazz band practice and the songs we played and are some great memories in my life.  A few years ago, this video of "Out on the Tiles" featuring Lenny Pickett from the Saturday Night Live band made it's way to YouTube.  I'm responsible for many of the 640 views (as of this writing).  This version takes me back to those 1988-1991 years with a crew that met twice a week at 630 in the morning to play in the jazz ensemble.  I hope you enjoy it as well. 

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